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Telegram bot

The bot is hosted on the web host Pythonanywhere and runs continuously in the background, ensuring that it is always available to use.
The code is well-documented, making it easy to understand and modify as needed.

I have developed a Python script that leverages the Telegram API to manage a points-based system for group chats.
The script uses the 'telegram' and 'decouple' libraries, and includes functionality to add and subtract points from users via the '/addpoints' and '/subtractpoints' commands.

The script also performs user and chat validation to ensure that only administrators can modify the points, and that the points values provided are valid integers.
Additionally, it includes error handling and logging functionality to provide useful feedback to users and administrators in case of errors.

This project demonstrates my proficiency in Python and API integration, as well as my ability to design and develop scripts that are robust, scalable, and user-friendly.