Ivan Serbeniuk

I'm Python backend developer.
Looking for a job in the field of Backend,
web-development, Software development, Data engineering

👉 serbeniuk.ivan@gmail.com

Skills & Qualifications

Tech stack

Python, Django
Postgres, SQLight
Docker, Git
AWS, Digitalocean

Work History


02/2022 - 2023

  • Proficient in web scraping using Beautiful Soup and Request libraries, with experience in data extraction and manipulation using JSON and database analysis techniques
  • Skilled in web development using the Django framework to build scalable and dynamic web applications
  • Education

    University - Wyższa Szkoła Bankowa w Gdańsku

    Psychology in business, 2019-2022

  • Assisting with employee selection
  • Design solutions to ensure a positive work environment
  • Improving the business’s organizational and management structure
  • Improving methods of hiring, employee feedback, training, and management for the company managers
  • Projects & Accomplishments